Monday, 2 December 2013

Experimentation for the future

I might be embarking on the road to injury, via Stupidity Way. As I've chronicled a bit in this blog, I've been burdened with issues with my left foot for a little over 3 years now. Originally the pain was focused around the metatarsals of my 2nd and 3rd toes, but from using a metatarsal pad to take pressure off this area, flare ups in my 5th metatarsal are more common now. Last January at the start of the track season the pain was intense enough that I thought I had a stress fracture, but a re-adjustment of the pad and some days off had me rolling again in a few days. During my half-marathon build up this fall, I experienced another flare-up. This time I added another layer to the metatarsal pad (after experimenting with other solutions) and found it helped immensely. 

This past week I've been experiencing pain again, and against my better judgment I'm going to push through. My logic is this: if I want to run a decent marathon, I need to be able to handle the training load, which includes a heavy dose of high mileage. If I can't handle consistent weeks of high mileage in the base phase, I'll crumble when I add in workouts with a specific purpose. So this week will be an experiment. I could injure myself, thereby learning that pushing through the flare-up will get me no where, or I could learn something else about my limits. This will probably end badly...but I'm treating it as an experiment for the future. 

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