Unfortunately after my last post stating how it's important to live through your own performances, I was saddled with a combination of poor results and injury. Timing is everything kids!
Seemingly out of nowhere my left knee started bugging me one day about a month ago. I took it a bit easier during that particular week and then raced a half marathon the following Monday. The half was a disaster for a couple reasons-- firstly because I was way off my goal pace and where I thought my fitness should be, secondly because it was freezing cold (-20 and below with the windchill) and my face nearly froze off, and thirdly because it seemed to do damage my knee/quad even more than I expected. It took about three weeks for my knee to feel better, and I've still got some lingering effects. Understandably, my mileage totals during that period have been underwhelming.
The good news? I feel pretty fresh...which I suppose I should given that I've had a bit of a mini-taper as a result of the time off. And I got a real full-time job!
My employment status has been a real source of embarrassment and disappointment since I returned from Europe. I knew it would be difficult to land a job in my field in the fall, but I didn't think it would take until March to start one, and I wasn't ready for the mental fallout that resulted. Coupled with some issues in my personal life, it was a very trying six months with running being the only thing that was keeping my sanity. I never felt the desire to write about my struggles on this medium because it is specifically a running blog, but now that I am indeed working (I just finished up my first week), I am willing to be honest about how I was feeling in case someone reading this is going through the same thing right now.
I spent a lot of my time not wanting to go out in public with no money and no answer as to why I wasn't working. I applied to many, many jobs, and did some temp work prior to Christmas so I could purchase some presents for my family. Now that that period is over, I feel as though a weight has been lifted. My marathon training will take a hit because of the number of hours I'm working, but I am comfortable with that while I make the adjustment to professional life.
As always, thanks for reading!